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This file is used to manage opencms' import and export settings. Most of this file should probably be left as is. However, the static export section controls which assets are exported to the real filesystem when a project is published.

  <staticexport enabled="true">
                        <suffix key=".jpg"/>
                        <suffix key=".gif"/>
                        <suffix key=".png"/>
                        <suffix key=".doc"/>
                        <suffix key=".xls"/>
                        <suffix key=".ppt"/>
                        <suffix key=".pdf"/>
                        <suffix key=".txt"/>
                        <suffix key=".css"/>
                        <suffix key=".zip"/>
                        <suffix key=".swf"/>
                        <testresource uri="/system/shared/page.dtd"/>

For sites which are saddled with video and other large binary assets in the CMS, it may be wise to include additional items in the "defaultsuffixes" block; this will cause them to be served from the real filesystem instead of the VFS.

      <suffix key=".mov" />
      <suffix key=".wmv" />
      <suffix key=".flv" />

Editing this file will require you to restart the opencms context to take effect.

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