Synchronizing with Ant

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Caution: This page needs to be checked as the call "synchronize" does not seem to be available for the cmsshell in standard OpenCms.
Here's the ant target I use for synchronizing with OpenCMS.
Here's the ant target I use for synchronizing with OpenCMS.

Latest revision as of 16:15, 18 August 2010

Caution: This page needs to be checked as the call "synchronize" does not seem to be available for the cmsshell in standard OpenCms. 

Here's the ant target I use for synchronizing with OpenCMS.

<project name="OpenCms Build Script" basedir="." default="synchronize">

	<property name="opencms.username" value="username" />
	<property name="opencms.password" value="password" />
	<property name="opencms.project" value="Offline" />

	<target name="synchronize" description="Synchronize with the OpenCms VFS">

		<echo file="shell.input">
login ${opencms.username} ${opencms.password}
synchronize ${opencms.project}

		<java classname="org.opencms.main.CmsShell" fork="true" input="shell.input">
			<arg value="-base=${tomcat.path}/webapps/opencms/WEB-INF" />
			<arg value="-defaultWebApp=opencms" />
			<arg value="-servletMapping=opencms" />

		<delete file="shell.input" quiet="true" />

To see which commands are available from the command line using the CmsShell, you can run help *.

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