OpenCms Documentation/Extending OpenCms/Development setups

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Developing the OpenCms core

(This is an extension to the official documentation page)

With the default configuration, the gradle build script assumes the following directory hierarchy:

+--- BuildCms/ (build target dir)
|    \--- modulesZip (contains all modules distribution zips)
+--- extra-modules (sources of additional opencms modules, e.g. Alkacon's modules-v8. The name of this directory is not fixed.
|    |              OpenCms looks for this directory based on the property value of external_directories.)
|    +--- modules/ (list of all external modules)
|    \--- (list of all external modules if modules/ not available)
+--- opencms-core/ (opencms-core sources)
|    +--- src/org/opencms/main/ (internal version properties file)
|    \--- modules/
+---  (external version properties file)

The gradle build script accesses the following configuration files (some relevant properties are shown):
\--- version.number (version information)

\--- modules.common.all (list of all module names)

\--- modules.common.all (list of all additional module names)

extra-modules/ (if extra-modules/modules/ not available)
\--- modules.common.all (list of all additional module names)

opencms-core/src-gwt/org/opencms/GwtBaseCommon.gwt.xml (tune to skip unnecessary builds)
+--- locale
\--- use.agent

opencms-core/webapp/WEB-INF/classes/ (default logging settings)

The gradle build scripts supports the following properties (defaults are shown, if defined):

additional_repositories (semicolon-separated list the urls of maven repositories)
max_heap_size: 1024m (maximum heap size for the tasks workplaceTheme, gwt_* and test*)
external_directories (path to an additional gradle project with OpenCms modules)
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