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Shows a WYSIWYG text area with formatting options to create formatted texts. This is the default widget for the OpenCmsHtml datatype.

Extending edit options for HtmlWidget

It is possible to extend the HtmlWidget that is used by the XMLContent forms so that the different OpenCMS galleries can be accessed for creating nice html. This is quite easily done by opening up the XML Schema file for the XML Content type you wish to extend, and add the following code:

  <layout element="Text" widget="HtmlWidget" configuration="source,link,anchor,formatselect,imagegallery,downloadgallery,linkgallery,htmlgallery,tablegallery,height:400px" />

inside the following tags:

    ... Add the layouts element here ...

Of course you can modify the configuration attribute to display only the extra elements you would like to make available to the content creators.

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