CMS Shell

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Revision as of 19:34, 7 April 2008 by Rizenine (Talk | contribs)
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Shell script for Linux/Windows to start a shell prompt which gives you access to OpenCms.

Under Linux I used the following commands to run the shell:

"cd" to the WEB-INF folder of the OpenCMS web application. In that folder you will see the "chmod 755" it if it's not an executable. Then copy the "servlet-api.jar" and "jsp-api.jar" to the "./lib/" folder. Using the following command you should now be able to start the shell.

java -Djava.ext.dirs=./lib/ org.opencms.main.CmsShell

login "Admin" "password"

Under the shell you can execute commands like the following:

createDefaultProject "Offline" "The Offline Project"

Note: I had trouble getting the -classpath to work with my JDK 1.6, so I used the "-Djava.ext.dirs=" instead. That's why I copy the two jars above into that folder. If someone has a method that works better please post the update here.

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