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<?xml version="1.0"?>
<allpages gapfrom="Reading groups of a user" />
<page pageid="1706" ns="0" title="Read a property of an arbitrary CmsResource">
<rev xml:space="preserve">With scriptlets, you can read the properties of any opencms resource.
<source lang="java">
<%@page import="org.opencms.file.CmsProperty"%>
CmsJspActionElement cmsAction = new CmsJspActionElement (pageContext, request, response);
CmsObject cmsObject = cmsAction.getCmsObject();
// Try to find the "prop_name" property of the current file and, if it is not found there, try to find it on all parent folders:
boolean search = true;
CmsProperty prop = cms.readPropertyObject("/sites/mysite/my_path/file.ext", "prop_name", search);
String propValue = (prop != null) ? prop.getValue() : null;
// ... or get the title propery ...
CmsProperty titleProp = cmsObject.readPropertyObject (cmsAction.getRequestContext().getUri(), "Title", false);
String title = (titleProp != null) ? titleProp.getValue() : null;
[[Category:Developing in OpenCms]]</rev>
<page pageid="1799" ns="0" title="Reading all groups of the root organizational unit">
<rev xml:space="preserve">The code below is valid to the 7.0.4 version.
== Code ==
CmsOrgUnitManager oum = OpenCms.getOrgUnitManager();
List groups = oum.getGroups(myCmsObj,"", true);
Iterator iterator = groups.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
CmsGroup group = (CmsGroup);
// Access the group information